The Novels of Sanctuary
Dust and Light
Ash and Silver
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People, Places, and Pronunciations
- aingerou: (INE gah roo) small clay statues of imps, angels, or spirits, set everywhere to deter demons;
- arché: (ARE-chay) a closed half circle, the grave symbol for unknown;
- caldarium: (call-DAHR-ee-uhm): a hot pool in a public bath;
- cereus iniga (SER-ee-us in-EE-gah): white phosphorus;
- Cicerons: (SIH sir owns) a despised clan of wandering thieves, gamblers, and sleight-of-hand artists, who claim to have true magic;
- citré/citrae: copper coin;
- colineal: of two joined pureblood lines – such as the colineal surname of Cartamandua-Celestine;
- consiliar: (con SILL ee are) a noble's trusted advisor;
- curator: one of the six who administer the Pureblood Registry;
- doulon: (DOO lawn) a highly addictive spell that transforms pain to pleasure;the deeper the addiction, the more pain required to trigger the spell's release;
- doulon paste: an odorless goo made from crushed, blood-spelled nivat seeds; aka nivat paste;
- Dorye: (dory) Boatmaster Fix's ancient flat-bottomed boat; aka Old Dorye
- ephrain: (EE frain) fragrant oil used for votive gifts and anointing kings and bishops;
- eques/equites: (EH kwehs/EH kwee tehs) knight/knights;
- eyeglim: enchanted tincture which enables an observer to see visions evoked in the Hearth of Memory through the eyes of the memory's owner;
- fengrash: (FEN grash) a soulless human simulacra;
- hirudo: (hih RUE doe) a neighborhood of shacks and thieves’ dens; often found outside a city wall or in an otherwise undesirable locale;
- jackleg: trickster;
- jaque (jack): thick, padded military tunic;
- jupe: connive;
- luné/lunae: silver coin; worth forty citrae;
- mage: a magic-worker who is not a registered pureblood Aurellian, but has passed strenuous testing, encompassing skill with spell-making acquired through work and study;
- mardane: landed title granted since the Aurellian conquest;
- molinara: an enchanted paste that soothes the pain of an Order lashing;
- nivat: ( NIH vaht )a plant whose aromatic seeds are used for seasoning and in spell making, particularly in the doulon;
- Octaré Mark: (ock TAR ray) a mark on a pillar at Evanide that shows the depth of the tide as the height of eight men;
- paratus: (pa RAH tus) an advanced trainee of the Order;
- paratus-exter: (EX ter) the most senior paratus of the Order; the next to be knighted;
- nivat paste: an odorless goo made from crushed, blood-spelled nivat seeds; aka doulon paste;
- pocardon: (poe-card-OWN) little city, as grows up in a marketplace or hirudo;
- portolan: (PORT oh lun) nautical map of a seacoast;
- practor: a common priest;
- prometheum: (pro ME thee um) a temple-like building used for anointing and other rites for the dead;
- pureblood: descendants of Aurellian families whose blood is certified as "unmixed" with any other racial group; purebloods have extensive talent for magic;
- Pureblood Registry, the: the administrative body that oversees pureblood contracts, marriages, childbearing, and discipline;
- quivre/s: (KIH vray) a measure of weight;
- quatté/quattae: (COT tay/COT eye) measure of distance; length of a man's knucklebone; a "quat" (COT) for short;
- quercé/quercae: (CUR say/CUR sigh) sixteen quattae;
- quellé/quellae: (KELL lay/KELL lie) sixteen hundred quercae;
- rectoré: (reck TORE eh) form of address for a mentor;
- Simmonis Pipe: (sym MOAN iss) a screw-like device to lift water, powered by enchantment;
- Sinduri Council: (sin-Dure-ee) the high priests and priestesses of the elder gods;
- Sindure'/Sinduria: (sin DURE ay/sin DURE ee ah) a high priest/priestess of the elder gods;
- salé: (SAH lay) Danae word for salt;
- solé/solae: (SOW lay/SOW lye) gold coin; worth 400 lunae;
- sop-house: cheap bathhouse where one can get ale, a tin tub, and a woman or boy for an hour's pleasure;
- slavey: Navron colloquialism for a villein or bonded worker; essentially a slave, who earns nothing but his sustenance from his master;
- riie: (REE-yay) street, as in Riie Domitian or Riie Segundo;
- tepidarium: (teh-pid-DAHR-ee-uhm) a warm pool in a public bath;
- thane: landed Evanori title from before the Aurellian conquest;
- trilliot: (TRILL ee oh) a particular three-petaled lily;
- twistmind: common pejorative for a person addicted to the doulon or other perverse enchantments;
- stola: (STOW lah) a long narrow ceremonial neck scarf;
- twink: colloquialism for fooling someone;
- tyro: (TEAR oh) a raw recruit of the Order of the Equites Cineré;
- ysomar: (IS oh mar) acrid-smelling oil used to anoint the sick and dying;
- warlord: the warrior head of an Evanori clan; addressed as thane;
- Writ of Balance: Caedmon's truce between Crown, Temple, and Registry; delineating prerogatives of each; aka the Writ or Caedmon's Writ;
Aurellian/Pureblood Terminology
- aerogen: (AIR oh jen) small wind spells;
- ancieno: (ahn-see-AIN-oh) pureblood honorific for an elder male relative;
- aperite porte mordé: (ah-pear-EAT POUR-teh MORE-day) "open, door of death";
- arriet: (are-ee-ET) "halt";
- bent, the: the talent for magic inborn as a result of Aurellian bloodlines;
- cineré: (chin EH ray) "ashes";
- dallé cineré: (DAHL-lay chin-ERR-ray) "from the ashes"; ritual greeting/farewell of the Equites Cineré (the Order);
- cineré resurgé: (chin-ERR-ray reh-SOOR-gay) a command imperative that can be issued only by the Knight Marshal of the Equites Cineré (the Order); all Order knights are bound to obey the command that accompanies it;
- domé/doma: (DOE may/DOE mah) pureblood honorific for an unrelated male/female superior;
- eqastré/eqastra: (eh KAH stray/eh KAH strah) pureblood honorific for an unrelated male/female equal in rank;
- fetulé iniga: (FETCH oo lay) "defend in fire"; an Order command that alerts a knight to defend himself instantly inside a ring of enchanted fire; when the threat is countered or found to be false, the knight responds "infetulé" (in FETCH oo lay);
- inflation spell: an illusion spell that derives its general shape and appearance from a physical object;
- obscuré: (ob SKOOR ray) concealment spells, such as those that would mask one's footsteps or evade pursuers;
- ordinary: pureblood term for anyone lacking magical bloodlines;
- patronn/matronn, capatronn/camatronn: pureblood formal address for father/mother, grandfather/grandmother;
- plebeiu: (pleh bay YOU) pureblood honorific for the lowest-ranking male or female;
- quadreo: (kwah DRAY oh) an enchantment that reverts a document to its original form, stripping away alterations;;
- recondeur: ( reh cawn DEUR )a pureblood who has violated pureblood discipline - the marriage, breeding, or fugitive laws, or his bound service as stipulated in a contract; a renegade;
- serena: (seh RAY nah) pureblood honorific for an elder female relative;serena pauli (seh RAY nah POW lee) is used for a younger female;
- veil: a short-lived spell that make one invisible; also very noticeable if the observer is a sorcerer;
- void spell: one that creates a temporary hole;
- vyrsté: nasty term for an idiot or malformed child caused from inbreeding; used as an insult among purebloods;
Danae Terminology
- archon: the Dané named to interpret the Law of the Everlasting and speak for the long-lived;
- Canon, the: the grand living pattern of the world to which, ideally, every natural object and living creature is connected; aka the Great Dance;
- envisia seru: (ehn VIZ ee ah SEH roo) "The sight of you delights my eye"; formal greeting to a Dané;
- Everlasting, the: as in, the Law of the Everlasting; the Danae concept of the entirety of nature - land, ocean, sky, beasts and sentient creatures, and the life and spirit that propels them through the turning of the seasons;
- gard: a cohesive design of magical light on a Dané's body; usually scrubed in variant shades of blue; sometimes silver;
- gyre: (jire) the complete rotation of the four seasons; used among the Danae as a metaphor signifying completion;
- sentinel: a Dané posted on the borders of Aeginea to warn of human contact and unusual occurrences in the area;
- sianou: (SEE-ah-noo) a natural place - spring, pool, grove, meadow, etc. - that a Dané tends and inhabits for a part of every year;
- Danae terms of kinship:
- argai: living eldest of a family line
- jongai: son; sengai: daughter;
- sagai: father; elagai: mother;
- ajongai: brother; asengai: sister;
- resagai: uncle (father's brother); relagai: uncle (mother's brother);
- ansagai: aunt (father's sister); alagai: aunt (mother's sister);
- rejongai: nephew; resengai: niece;
- ongai/engai: unknown male/female;
- Purebloods
- The Remeni-Masson (REM eh nee - mass ON ) a distinguished family of historians and artists;
- Lucian: (LOO she uhn) a portrait artist, though born with a strong second bent for history; aka, Luka (LOO-kah)
- Vincente de Remeni: (vihn SEHN tay) Lucian’s grandfather and, until his death, the Remeni Head of Family; once employed as King Eodward's Royal Historian;
- Elaine de Masson and Artur de Remeni Lucian's parents, a mural painter and a chronicler, respectively;
- Juliana (zhoo li AH nah) Lucian’s adolescent sister; aka, Juli (ZHOO lee);
- Germaine, Emil, Ari Lucian's brothers;
- Curators of the Pureblood Registry (by rank)
- Gramphier: (grahm-fee-AIR) First Curator; old colleague of Vincente de Remeni;
- Albin, Guilian: (JOO lee ahn) Overseer of Pureblood Contracts; head of a very wealthy and very traditional family;
- Lares-Damon, Attis: (LAH reez - DAY mon) First Registrar; a linguist and scholar;
- Scrutari-Consil: (screw TAR ee - con SEAL) a pureblood contracted to the Hierarch of Ardra;
- Pluvius: (PLOO-vee-us) Master of the Registry Archives; Lucian's contract master when Lucian works in the Registry Tower;
- Pons-Laterus, Elaia: newest curator; a former Registry inquisitor in the city of Montesard;
- The Cartamandua-Celestine a distinguished family of cartographers and diviners;
- Magnus Valentia de Cartamandua-Celestine (Valen): (VAY lehn deu cart-ah-MAHN-due-ah SELL-ess-teen) a soldier of fortune and ne'er-do-well; third of five children of Claudio and Josefina de Cartamandua-Celestine;
- Maximus Goratia de Cartamandua-Celestine (Max): brother of Valen de Cartamandua; aide to Prince Bayard;
- Thalassa Minora de Cartamandua-Celestine: (thah LAH sah) elder sister of Valen de Cartamandua; a diviner and High Priestess of the goddess Samele, and member of the Sinduri Council;
- Equites Cineré, the literally the Knights of the Ashes; a secretive military order housed at an island fortress; aka the Order;
- Knight Marshal: one of the three high commanders of the Order; in charge of training and mission assignments;
- Knight Archivist: one of the three high commanders of the Order; in charge of the records and history of those in the Order and selection of the other two high commanders; a specialist in magic affecting human memory;
- Knight Defender: one of the three high commanders of the Order; in charge of the security of Fortress Evanide and all who work and train there;
- Aros: (AIR ose) a mysterious knight whose name means "the One Who Waits";
- Conall: (CON all) the name taken by Cormorant when invested as a knight;;
- Cormorant: a paratus-exter, whose original name was Terryn de Pescato-Salvados (TERR-in pes-KHAT-oh sal-VAH-dose);
- Dunlin: one of Lucian's cadre mates at Fortress Evanide;
- Fix: the boatmaster at Fortress Evanide's harbor;
- Greenshank: Lucian de Remeni's name as a trainee in Fortress Evanide;
- Heron: one of Lucian's cadre mates at Fortress Evanide;
- Inek: (INN neck) a Knight Commander of the Order; Lucian's guide at Evanide - mentor, trainer, drill sergeant, and analyst rolled into one;
- Other Purebloods
- Gilles deAlbin: (all BAN, ZHEELS) portrait artist at the Registry Tower; Lucian's co-worker; son of Curator Albin;
- Bearn: (bairn) a mysterious knight hunting Lucian;
- Benedik de Tenielle: (ten YELL) imprisoned heir to a small duchy in northern Navronne;
- Kasen de Canis-Ferenc: (KHAN-iss fair-ENK, KAHZ-en) a pureblood noble who rules the castle and town of Cavillor;
- Etan de Serrano-Pristé: (A-tahn deu sehr-RAHN-oh PREE-stay) Lucian's alias;
- Fortieri: commander of the Registry Tower Guard;
- Gaiern de Tenielle: (GUY-erne deu ten YELL) deceased father of Benedik and Signé;
- Geraint de Serre: (gehr EYEnt) a young sorcerer of noble bloodline;
- Leander de Corton-Zia: (lee ANN der) a Registry guard and escort;
- Lirene de Armine-Visori: (leer RAIN) Prince Osriel's pureblood mother; Eodward's mistress; deceased;
- Siever: (SEE ver) a barone; Duc Benedik's closest friend;
- Pasquinale: neighbor of Lucian's townhouse in Palinur;
- Signé de Tennielle: (SEEN-yay deu ten-YELL) the imprisoned Duc Benedik's sister and regent;
- Other Navrons
- Bastien de Caton: (bah-stee-EN deu cah TONE) the Coroner of the Twelve Districts of Palinur; oversees Necropolis Caton;
- Bek: barber-surgeon often employed at Necropolis Caton;
- Constance: seamstress and woman-of-all-work at Necropolis Caton; Sexton Garibald's daughter;
- Demetreo: (deh-MEE-tree-oh) headman of the Cicerons who reside in hirudo Palinur; aka sengé (SEN - jay);
- Egan: a linkboy in Palinur;
- Ganache de Kitaro: (gah NAHSH) a purveyor of rarities;
- Garen: (GARE-en) a runner at Necropolis Caton;
- Garibald: sexton at Necropolis Caton;
- Giaco: (JOCK ok) Lucian's valet;
- Kila: (KEE - lah) Juli's maidservant in Palinur;
- Jadia: (jay -DEE - ah) fierce Ciceron woman in hirudo Palinur;
- Maia: (MY ah) Lucian's cook in Palinur;
- Morgan: a young woman with whom Lucian de Remeni had a romantic relationship while attending the University in Montesard;
- Nelek: (NEHL-lek): a jailer in the Registry Tower;
- Oldmeg: Ciceron wisewoman in hirudo Palinur;
- Orrin, Hugh: (HUE de OAR - in) minor functionary of the Royal Household;
- Ozur de Skefil: (OH-zure SKEFF-ill) a mercenary servant of the Pureblood Registry;
- Pleury: runner at Necropolis Caton;
- Soflet: (SOPH let) Lucian's steward in Palinur;
- Valdo de Seti: murder victim in a coroner's inquest at Necropolis Caton;
- Virit: (VIH-ritt) jailer at the Registry Tower;
- Caedmon's Heirs
- Caedmon: (KAYD mon) (deceased) King of Ardra, an idealist who united the provinces Morian and Evanore with his own prosperous Ardra, calling his new kingdom Navronne; a man of reason and faith, he proclaimed the Writ of Balance, which legitimized both the new Karish faith and the Sinduri; ultimately fell to the Aurellian invasion;
- Eodward: (YODE ward) (deceased) Caedmon's heir, who drove out the remnants of the failing Aurellian conquerors and had a long and glorious reign; legend names Eodward as Caedmon's youngest son, sent as an infant to be fostered in the realm of angels for 147 years;
- Bayard: (BAY yafrd) Duc of Morian; Prince of Navronne; son of Eodward and a Moriangi commoner; also called the Smith for his bullish appearance and rude manner;
- Perryn: (PEAR in) Duc of Ardra; Prince of Navronne; son of Eodward and an Ardran noblewoman;
- Osriel: (OZ ree ell) Duc of Evanore; Prince of Navronne; son of Eodward and a pureblood mistress; also called Osriel the Bastard, or just the Bastard;
- Nobles, Political Figures, and Their Servants
- Collium: First Secretary of the Royal Household of Navronne;
- Comlier, Marcout, Noplessi, Tremayne, Vuscherin: ducs of the Royal Household
- Ducessa de Spano: Prince Perryn's current paramour;
- Sila Diaglou: (SEE lah dee AH glue) former priestess of Arossa; priestess of the Gehoum and leader of the Harrowers;
- Stearc: (stark) Thane of Erasku, a close associate of Prince Osriel;
- Laurent de TremayneTremayne: (treh MANE) a duc of the Royal Household; Prince Perryn's consiliar prime - his right hand and military aide;
- Fallon de Tremayne: (FAL-lon) a young general in Perryn's legian; Laurent de Tremayne's son by his first wife;
- Ysabel de Tremayne: (IS ah bell) Laurent’s daughter by his second wife;
- Voushanti: (voo SHAN tee) a minor noble and Prince Osriel's bodyguard;
- Gods, Goddesses, and Their Servants
- Adversary, the: the Evil One; the Karish name for Magrog;
- Arrosa: (are OWE sah) goddess of love; daughter of Samele and a mortal man Ariesto; Kemen sent
Ariesto to Samele as a gift of love;
- Dané/Danae: (DAH nay/DAY nigh) the mythical guardians brought forth by Kemen Sky Lord and Mother Samele to protect and nourish the earth;
- Deunor: (DEW nore) elder god who gave fire to the earth; son of Kemen and a Dané;
- Erdru: (AIR drew) elder god of grape and harvest; son of Samele and a Dané;
- Erit: (AIR it) goddess of clouds;
- Ferryman, the: mythical escort across the boundary of the living and the dead; needs to be paid in coin;
- Fortuna: goddess of fortune; aka Serena Fortuna;
- gatzé/gatzi: demon/demons; servants of Magrog;
- Gehoum: ( GAY - hoom ) uncaring, impersonal Powers, preached by Sila Diaglou and Harrowers;
- Iero: (ee AIR oh) the "One God" of the Karish;
- Karus: (CAR oos) prophet from Estigure who initiated the worship of the one god Iero;
- Kemen Skylord: (KEHM ehn) the son of Light and Darkness who became the elder god of Sky and Storm;
- Magrog the Tormentor: (MAY grog) the incestuous child of Kemen and Samele who became Lord of the Underworld;
- Naema: (nah EE mah) a human wisewoman so close to Mother Samele that she is said to wear the Mother's mantle on earth;
- Samele: (sah MEE lee) Mother Samele, the daughter of Light and Darkness who became the elder goddess of Earth and Moon; aka the Mother, the Goddess Mother;
- Valo: (nah EE mah) (VAY low) the Ciceron's name for the god of Light and Magic;
- Clergy and Temple Servants
- Irinyi: (ear-IN-yee) High Priestess of Arrosa's temple in Palinur;
- Motre Varouna: (MOE-trah vahr-OO–nah) oversees the young initiates and aspirants at Arrosa's temple in Palinur;
- Eligius: (ell LEE jus) the Hierarch of Ardra, the highest-ranking Karish clergyman in Navronne;
- Eliana, Leo, Herai: bath attendants at Arrosa's temple;
- Fleure young bath attendant at Arrosa's temple;
- Gab: sweeping girl at Arrosa's temple;
- Thalassa de Cartamandua-Celestine: (thah LAH sah) elder sister of Valen de Cartamandua; a diviner. High Priestess of the goddess Samele, and member of the Sinduri Council;
- The Long-lived
- Tyr: (tear) archon of those Danae with silver gards;
- Naari: (NAH ree) a male Dané who pursues Lucian with a female partner;
- Nysse: (NIH say) Tuari's consort;
- Rhiain: (RHEE ain) heroine of a Dané legend;
- Safia: (SAH fee ah) a Danae sentinel;
- Tuari: (two ARE ee) archon of the Danae;
- Navronne: (nahv ROWN) a once-prosperous, cultured kingdom; invaders from the Aurellian empire called Navronne the heart of the world because their magic was so strong there; Navronne's symbol is a trilliot
(TRILL-ee-oh) - a three-petaled white lily, symbolizing its three regions first united by the great king, Caedmon:
- Morian: (MORE ee ahn) : the northern coastline and plains, also called "the river country" because of its network of wide rivers; Morian hosts Navonne's ports, most of its trading cities, and its mining regions; properous and diverse, it is beset by storms, floods, and Hansker raiders from across the Caurean Sea; its people are Moriangi (more-ee-AHN-jee);
- Ardra: (ARE drah)the fruitful heart; a land of gentle hills, abundant sunlight, agriculture, especially Navronne's prized vineyards;
- Evanore: (EH vahn oar) the forested and mountainous regions in the south and west, the barriers to invasion and refugees; Evanore is populated by rugged, independent people led by powerful warlords who live in the mountains and forest; Evanore was never conquered by the Aurellian invasion;
- Aeginea: (ah zhih NAY ah) the mythical home country of the Danae; in, but not of, Navronne; inaccessible to humankind;
- Aingerou's Font: an ancient spring in the center of Palinur;
- Aurellia: (orf ELL ee ah) a distant city-state that gave its name to the great southern empire that occupied Navronne for almost two centuries;
- Caedmon's Wall: the outer, newer of Palinur's two encircling walls;
- Caton: (cah TONE) a plateau outside the city walls of Palinur; houses Coroner Bastien and the necropolis;
- Casitille: (cahz ih TEAL) a town in eastern Ardra; Curator Pluvius has an estate there;
- Cavillor: (CAH vih lore) a Moriangi town ruled by a pureblood noble;
- Cymra: (SIM rah) cliff-side sea fortresses of tin-miners on the great western sea, beyond the Aponavi wild lands;
- Elder Wall: the older, inner wall that rings Palinur; hirudo Palinur is housed in a ravine bewteen the two walls at a place where they come close together;
- Evanide: (eh vah NEED) a centuries old island fortress off the northwestern coast of Navronne; aka Fortress Evanide;
- Estigure: (ESS tih gure) far desert kingdom, home of Karus, the divine prophet of the One God Iero;
- Gouvron River: (GOO vron) river that empties into the bay where Fortress Evanide lies; the "Gouvron Mouth" is the estuary where the river meets the sea;
- Hansk: (hahnsk) island kingdom across the Caurean Sea, home of the raiders who harass the northern seacoast;
- Hercal's Downspout: (HER cull) a whirlpool in the bay round Evanide;
- Idolon Mount: (I doll on) the steep rock at the heart of Fortress Evanide;
- Idrium: (IH-dree-um) Divine home of the Elder gods;
- Lillebras: (lill eh BRAHSS) a village in central Morian, a hilly landscape riddled with caves;
- Middle Kingdoms: Navronne and the other kingdoms that fill the continent to the east and south;
- Montesard : (mont-eh-SARD) a city in northern Morian that houses one of Navronne's great University; the place Lucian met Morgan;
- Necropolis Caton: (cah TONE) a city of the dead; a cemetery and prometheum outside the walls of Palinur;
- Palinur: (PAH lih nure) once the seat of Caedmon, King of Ardra; when he united the provinces of Morian and Evanore with his own, it became Navronne's capital;
- Pontia: (PONCH ee ah) an Ardran town known for its intellectual life; Lucian's family home;
- Pyrrha: (PYRE ah) the land of volcanoes; an ancient country once renowned for art and philosophy;
- Registry Tower: an ancient tower in the heart of Palinur, ceded to the Pureblood Registry by King Caedmon as part of the Writ of Balance; untouchable by civil law; the center of pureblood administration and the Curators' COuncil;
- Royal Antiquities Repository: a storehouse of antiquities in the royal palace in Palinur;
- Syanar: (SIGH ah nahr) a distant kingdom known for its silks;
- Tavarre: (tav ARE) a port city in northwestern Navronne;
- Val Cleve: (val cleave) a rugged area of forests, hills, and plains on the mainland, where the Order holds training exercises;
- Wroling: (rolling) town in southwestern Ardra; Wroling Wood is an outrider of Evanore;
- Xancheira: (zahn KYE rah) a northern city that legend says vanished in some cataclysmic event centuries in the past; reputed to be a center of the arts, magic, and good governance;
- Yaronal: (YAH row nal) wide river that is the eastern boundary of Navronne;
Ynnes: (INN es) fishing town in northwestern Navronne;
Copyright © Carol Berg 2017